Welcome to Early Nurture Pre-School
A fantastic place for your child to play, learn, and grow.
Early Nurture Pre-school is a place where your child can start their adventure in education in a safe, stimulating and happy environment and flourish within their learning everyday. Early Nurture Preschool is established through a team of highly experienced and dedicated early years professionals. We focus on meeting the needs of all newly identified and yet to be identified SEN children.
Our ultimate goal of Early Nurture Preschool is too nurture education and to forge the sparkling souls of young children.
We are Ofsted registered as a new provider and have 20 years of prior experience within this sector.
An Ambitious and enriched environment with a child curiosity approach
What we do
We Currently teach the EYFS statutory guidance within our provision. The curriculum covers 7 areas of learning co-operating skills based from Birth to five matters, we have developed a curriculum that is ambitious rich and exciting based around a child centred approach clearly supporting progression for all children from starting points to their end journey. Our curriculum intend and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the provision.
Our curriculum is unique to our setting where children lead their own play through a child led and child initiated approach and adult intervention time.
We have a qualified setting SENCO who is fully trained too support the well being of children with additional needs and supports the pathway.
How we do it
We cater for children aged 2-5 years of age providing part time and full time provision and paid day care available.
We believe in a holistic approach that support families as well as the children that attend the preschool. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to tell you all about our work and answer any questions you may have about what we can offer you and your child.
We have highly trained Safeguarding DSL within our setting, We have a robust and rigid safeguarding procedures which meet the welfare requirements of all children within our care. We have policies and procedures on safeguarding, safer recruitment, Whistle blowing, FGM, Prevent etc please request copies at the setting.
All staff have the statutory training Paediatric first Aid, Food safety, Safeguarding, fire safety and many more.
Eisa visits Pre-School
Eisa Ahmed was supported by Miss S.Bi previously and was given a diagnoses of autism, Miss S.Bi supported him with his EHCP complete, and he successfully transitioned into Pines Special School. Furthermore Eisa has remained and kept in touch with Early Nurture Pre-School on a regular basis.