Startwell Activities and information
Children have visited the local dentist today within their community, they had a good tour, a discussion with the dentist on oral health and keeping their teeth clean.
The children where given some goodies from the nurse at the practice.
This reflects on the startwell character Smiley Shen who emphasises on children brushing their teeth and ensuring oral health is taken into consideration.
Exploring Oral Health messages from Smiley Shen
Exploring with Fruits Fay 5 A Day and 2 Snacks Max
This week children are exploring Fay 5 A Day, 2 Snacks Max and portion sizes through creativity and child initiated play and learning.
Active Azra keeping children on the move
Pre-School children keeping active and exploring nature within the local community, through a variety of physical movements.
Startwell Initiative
This week we are learning about keeping healthy using the startwell characters Fay 5 a Day and Sammy Skills, exploring fruit and vegetables using fine motor skills.